
September 26, 2020
Vedeckí pracovníci, ktorí predstavujú jadro SARS-CoV-2 testovacieho tímu BMC SAV na spoločnej fotografii (zľava doprava a zdola hore: Monika Sláviková, Kristína Boršová, Ľubomíra Lukáčiková, Viktória Čabanová, Sabína Fumačová Havlíková, Martina Ličková, Boris Klempa, Juraj Kopáček)

Certificate of completion of external quality assessment of SARS-CoV-2 testing for BMC SAS

The Biomedical Research Center SAS (BMC SAS) voluntarily offered its professional and technical capacities and participated in routine
September 22, 2020
Detail vírusových častíc (biele hviezdičky). Šípky – glykoproteínové výbežky (tzv. Spike protein) na povrchu vírusových častíc, voči ktorému je zacielená väčšina vyvíjaných vakcín. (50 nm=0,00000005 m)

Scientists from the Biomedical Research Center SAS are advancing in the research of a new coronavirus

Scientists from the Biomedical Research Center SAS were able to visualise the virus particles of the new coronavirus
September 10, 2020
ukážka ako prístroj pracuje

The Biomedical Research Center SAS can carry on with testing thanks to a donation from MultiplexDX

The Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences offered assistance with laboratory testing for SARS-CoV-2 already
July 27, 2020
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Special Issue

Guest Editor of special issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences is Dr. Miroslav Chovanec

Special Issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) is focused on „Genome Maintenance and Cancer“. Editor
June 27, 2020
Vanessa na Festivale vedy a techniky 2019

Vanessa Drevenáková, a young grammar school student, completed an internship at BMC SAS

Vanessa Drevenáková is young, clever, talented, but also incredibly passionate about science and research. She can study and
June 23, 2020
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Prof. Ohad Medalia (25. 06. 2020)

Lecture by prof. Medalia from the University of Zurich, entitled “How can thin filaments protect a nucleus? The
May 22, 2020
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Florian Schur (28. 05. 2020)

Lecture by Dr. Florian Schur from the Institute of Science and Technology, Austria, entitled “From Viruses to Cells.
May 20, 2020
ukážka ako prístroj pracuje

BMC SAS will double testing thanks to a unique device

The Biomedical Research Center of the SAS voluntarily joined the COVID-19 disease testing already in March 18 as
May 15, 2020
RNDr. Boris Klempa, DrSc. (vpravo) a RNDr. Juraj Koči, PhD. (vľavo) v testovacom laboratóriu, s novým slovenským kitom v rukách.

The scientists of the BMC SAS participated in the development and validation of the first certified Slovak test for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus

A current pandemic of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 causing the disease COUVID-19 have fully shown us how important is the
May 5, 2020
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Prof. Peijun Zhang (07. 05. 2020)

Lecture by Prof. Peijun Zhang of the University of Oxford, entitled “Interrogating HIV-1 On A New Level” from
April 29, 2020
Mgr. Michal Šelc, PhD., Ing. Lucia Demková a RNDr. Katarína Kozics, PhD.

Scientific Workshops – Oncology 2020: Cancer knows no borders

The tenth, jubilee year of the educational-popularization event called “Scientific Workshops – Oncology” was successfully organized in its
April 27, 2020
Plagát k podujatiu projektu CAPSID. Informácie z plagátu sú aj súčasťou textu

Seminar Speaker Series – Dr. Arthur Sedivy (30. 04. 2020)

Lecture by Dr. Arthur Sedive, a researcher at the Vienna BioCentre, entitled “From MST to TRIC – using