
December 13, 2021
infografika projektu CAPSID

Research axis Vienna-Bratislava strengthened

CAPSID research project lays foundation for cross-border virology research Research partners: Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities in Vienna (VBCF)
November 23, 2021
budova, kde sídli Virologický ústav Biomedicínskeho centra SAV, v. v. i.

The results of a seroepidemiological study of SAS employees

These days, the Biomedical Research Center SAS has published findings from a cross-sectional seroprevalence study focused on the
September 29, 2021
Obrázok k predstaveniu finalistov ESET Science Award

Between ESET Science Award finalists also Dr. Jozef Ukropec

For the third time, the ESET Foundation will recognise outstanding individuals of Slovak science for their scientific, research
July 1, 2021
MVDr. Juraj Kopáček, DrSc. počas podujatia Inovačný deň so zahraničnými veľvyslancami

Innovation Day with foreign ambassadors at the Biomedical Research Center SAS

The objective of the so-called Innovation Days, which are gradually organised by the Ministry of Foreign and European