Department of Genetics
Research Topic
Department of Genetics studies mechanisms that play a crucial role in cancer development and progression, as well as in cancer treatment response. Urogenital cancers, particularly testicular germ cell tumours (TGCTs), are of the primary interest because this malignity is highly curable by cisplatin (CDDP), and hence represents excellent model system for understanding the CDDP response mechanisms. Nevertheless, a proportion of TGCT patients does not respond to CDDP-based therapy or relapse and has therefore an unfavourable prognosis. We preferably focus on seeking for molecular biomarkers capable of predicting poor prognosis in TGCTs aiming at turning this malignity into a fully curable disease. OMICS data are generated to seek for the biomarkers that are able to stratify patients in terms of their prognosis. Cell lines derived from urogenital cancers with a wide range of sensitivity to chemotherapeutics are used to identify and verify these biomarkers and clinical samples are utilized to validate their clinical applicability. In addition to urogenital cancers, other cancer types are also studied at the Department. In endometrial cancer, a contribution of selected miRNAs to advanced stage of disease is investigated. In invasive ductal breast cancer, characterization of circulating tumour cells in terms of expression change of selected miRNAs and their targets is examined. Furthermore, a role of microbiome in cancer is also studied at the Department, particularly its composition is compared between colorectal adenomas and carcinomas or between healthy persons and breast cancer patients. Finally, the Department is expanding its efforts in the areas of cohesin biology, RNA processing and DNA damage response and repair pathways by focusing on a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating the processes that play essential role in protecting the genome integrity.
Research Team

PhD (1992 – 1995), Department of Genetics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
Master of Sciences (1987 – June 1992), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
2017 – now: Principal investigator, Head of Department, Scientific director Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
2016 – 2017: Principal investigator, Head of Department, Vice director, Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
2008 – 2015: Principal investigator, Head of Department, Vice director, Cancer Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
2003 – 2007: Principal investigator, Cancer Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
2002 – 2002: Scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
2000 – 2002: Genome Damage & Stability Centre, Science Park Road, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 9RQ, Great Britain
Postdoctoral fellow (The Royal Society/NATO & The Wellcome Trust Travelling Research Fellowship)
1995 – 1999: Scientific worker, Cancer Research Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
Young scientist of the year of the Slovak Republic (2002)
Outstanding young person of the Slovak Republic (2007)
Prize for three-year citation record in natural and medical sciences (2009)
Award of Minister of education, science, research and sport of the Slovak Republic for science and technology in category „Personality of science and technology“ (2013)
ORCID: 0000-0001-9120-5084
Researcher ID: H-6818-2018
Scopus Author Identifier: 6701501046
RNDr. Soňa Čierniková, PhD.
Ing. Ľuboš Čipák, PhD., Deputy Head of Department
Ing. Ingrid Čipáková, PhD.
RNDr. Ivana Fridrichová, CSc.
RNDr. Eduard Goffa, PhD.
Mgr. Ivana Goffová, PhD.
Mgr. Eva Horváthová, PhD.
RNDr. Dana Jurkovičová, PhD.
Mgr. Lenka Kalinková, PhD.
Mgr. Helena Kosnáčová, PhD.
RNDr. Miroslava Kretová, PhD.
Ing. Peter Makovický, PhD.
Mgr. Nataliia Nikolaieva, PhD.
RNDr. Michaela Osadská, PhD.
Mgr. Jan Roška, PhD.
Ing. Alexandra Wagner, PhD.
Bc. Gertrúda Húsková
Mgr. Ľudovít Kulcsár
Mgr. Andrea Holíčková
Mgr. Danica Ivović
Mgr. Ján Jurčík
Ing. Pavlína Kabelíková
Mgr. Tomáš Selický
Mgr. Aneta Ševčíková
Vladimíra Bruderová
Andrea Jányová
Viola Števurková
Projects (2018 – 2022):
- Title: New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumours
Period: 09/2018-09/2022
Coordinated by: University of Torino, Italy
Number of partners: 34
Responsible person on behalf of the BMC SAS: Dana Jurkovičová - Title: Turning cisplatin-resistant testicular germ cell tumours into a curable disease
Period: 08/2018-12/2021
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Miroslav Chovanec - Title: Is HIF-1a a master regulator of DNA repair capacity and chemotherapy response in testicular germ cell tumours?
Period: 07/2020-06/2023
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Dana Jurkovičová - Title: Post-translational regulation of pre-mRNA splicing factors
Period: 07/2021-06/2024
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 1
Responsible person: Ľuboš Čipák - Title: Dbl2 protein as a novel regulator of genome stability and dynamics in fission yeast
Period: 07/2019-06/2022
Coordinated by: Centre of Biosciences SAS
Number of partners: 1
Responsible person on behalf of the BMC SAS: Ľuboš Čipák - Title: Regulation of the Swi5-Sfr1 complex by protein phosphorylation
Period: 08/2018-06/2022
Coordinated by: Comenius University in Bratislava
Number of partners: 1
Responsible person on behalf of the BMC SAS: Ingrid Čipáková - Title: Identification of biomarkers of resistance to cisplatin-based chemotherapy in urogenital cancer
Period: 01/2019-12/2022
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Miroslav Chovanec
- Title: Is hypoxia a master modulator of DNA repair capacity and mitochondrial dynamics in chemotherapy response in urogenital malignancies?
Period: 01/2021-12/2024
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Dana Jurkovičová
- Role of protein kinases in processes involved in maintenance of genome stability
Period: 01/2018-12/2021
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 1
Responsible person: Ľuboš Čipák - Title: Functional analysis of regulation of DEAH/RHA helicases
Period: 01/2019-12/2022
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Ingrid Čipáková
- Title: Regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition by microRNA and promoter methylation in invasive breast cancer
Period: 01/2019-12/2022
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Ivana Fridrichová
- Title: Diglycosidases in biocatalysis
Period: 01/2019-12/2022
Coordinated by: Institute of Chemistry SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person on behalf of the BMC SAS: Eva Horváthová
- Title: The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model to study the repair of clinically relevant DNA damage
Period: 01/2020-12/2023
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Eduard Goffa
- Title: Interaction of bioactive compounds and nonthermal plasma
Period: 01/2021-12/2024
Coordinated by: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University
Number of partners: 8
Responsible person on behalf of the BMC SAS: Eva Horváthová
- Title: Integrative strategy in development of personalized medicine of selected malignant tumours and its impact on quality of life
Period: 09/2019-06/2023
Coordinated by: Comenius University in Bratislava
Number of partners: 10
Responsible person on behalf of the BMC SAS: Miroslav Chovanec
- Micro-RNA expression profiles for discrimination of endometrioid and serous types of endometrial cancer
Period: 12/2018-12/2020
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 0
Responsible person: Ivana Fridrichová
- Title: Molecular biomarkers of relapse in seminoma clinical stage I patients
Period: 10/2019-12/2022
Coordinated by: BMC SAS
Number of partners: 1
Responsible person: Miroslav Chovanec
Publications for the period of 2018-2022. Red colour highlights publications with the member of the Department at the corresponding position:
- Mikolášková, B., Jurčík, M., Čipáková, I., Kretová, M., Chovanec, M., Čipák, Ľ. (2018) Maintenance of genome stability: the unifying role of interconnections between the DNA damage response and RNA processing pathways. Current Genetics, 64:971-983.
- Mániková, D., Šestáková, Z., Rendeková, J., Vlasáková, D., Lukáčová, P., Paegle, E., Arsenyan, P., Chovanec, M. (2018) Resveratrol-inspired bezno[b]selenophenes act as anti-oxidants in yeast. Molecules, 23:507.
- Šestáková, Z., Chovanec, F., Chovanec, M. (2018) Cancer and genetics: friends or foes? Onkológia, 13:413-419.
- Kalinková, L., Zmetáková, I., Smolková, B., – Minárik, G., Sedláčková, T., Horváthová Kajabová, V., Čierna, Z., Mego, M., Fridrichová, I. (2018) Decreased methylation in the SNAI2 and ADAM23 genes associated with de-differentiation and haematogenous dissemination in breast cancers. BMC Cancer, 18:875.
- Sanyal, S., Molnárová, L., Richterová, J. Huraiová, B., Benkö, Z., Bágeľová Poláková, S., Čipáková, I., Ševčovičová, A., Gáplovská-Kyselá, K., Mechtler, K., Čipák, Ľ., Gregáň, J. (2018) Mutations that prevent methylation of cohesin render sensitivity to DNA damage in S. pombe. Journal of Cell Science, 131:214924.
- Zdurienčíková, M., Cholujová, D., Duraj, J., Mastihubová, M., Mastihuba, V., Karnišová Potocká, E., Gálová, E., Ševčovičová, A., Klapáková, M., Horváthová, E. (2018) Salidroside, a chemopreventive glycoside, diminishes cytotoxic effect of cisplatin in vitro. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 122:346-354.
- Smolková, B., Horváthová Kajabová, V., Zmetáková, I., Kalinková, L., Czanner, G., Marková, A., Furdová, A. (2018) Role of epigenetic deregulation in hematogenous dissemination of malignant uveal melanoma. Neoplasma, 65:840-854.
- Wachsmannová, L., Májek, J., Zajac, V., Števurková, V., Čierniková, S. (2018) The study of bacteria in biopsies from Slovak colorectal adenoma and carcinoma patients. Neoplasma, 65:644-648.
- Misak, A., Grman, M., Bacova, Z., Rezuchova, I., Hudecova, S., Ondriasova, E., Krizanova, O., Brezova, V., Chovanec, M., Ondrias, K. (2018) Polysulfides and products of H2S/S-nitrosoglutathione with comparison to H2S and antioxidant Trolox are potent scavengers of superoxide anion radical and produce hydroxyl radical by decomposition of H2O2. Nitric Oxide, 76:136-151.
- Hapakova, N., Sestakova, Z., Holickova, A., Hurbanova, L., Miskovska, V., Chovanec, M., Rejlekova, K., Svetlovska, D., Kalavska, K., Obertova, J., Palacka, P., Sycova-Mila, Z., Mardiak, J., Chovanec, M., Mego, M. (2019) High endogenous DNA damage levels predict hematologic toxicity in testicular germ cell tumor patients treated with first-line chemotherapy. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 17:e1020-1025.
- Assaraf, Y. G., Brozovic, A., Goncalves, A. C., Jurkovičová, D., Line, A., Machuqueiro, M., Saponara, S., Sarmento-Ribeiro, A., Xavier, C. P. R., Vasconcelos, M. H. (2019) The multi-factorial nature of clinical multidrug resistance in cancer. Drug Resistance Update, 46:100645.
- Kharma, A. Grman, M., Misak, A., Domínguez-Álvarez, E., Nasim, M. J., Ondrias, K., Chovanec, M., Jacob, C. (2019) Inorganic polysulfides and related reactive sulfur-selenium species from the perspective of chemistry. Molecules, 24:1359.
- Misak, A., Kurakova, L., Goffa, E., Brezova, V., Grman, M., Ondriasova, E., Chovanec, M., Ondrias, K. (2019) Sulfide (Na2S) and polysulfide (Na2S2) interacting with doxycycline produce/scavenge superoxide and hydroxyl radicals and induce/inhibit DNA cleavage. Molecules, 24:1148.
- Kharma, A., Misak, A., Grman, M., Brezova, V., Kurakova, L., Baráth, P., Jacob, C., Chovanec, M., Ondrias, K., Domínguez-Álvarez, E. (2019) Release of Reactive Selenium Species from phthalic selenoanhydride in the presence of hydrogen sulfide and glutathione with implications for cancer research. New Journal of Chemistry, 43:11771-11783.
- Čipáková, I., Jurčík, M., Rubintová, V., Borbová, M., Mikolášková, B., Jurčík, J., Bellová, J., Baráth, P., Gregáň, J., Čipák, Ľ. (2019) Identification of proteins associated with splicing factors Ntr1, Ntr2, Brr2 and Gpl1 in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cell Cycle, 18:1532-1536.
- Horváthová, E., Mastihubová, M., Karnišová Potocká, E., Kis, P., Gálová, E., Ševčovičová, A., Klapáková, M., Hunáková, Ľ., Mastihuba, V. (2019) Comparative study of relationship between structure of phenylethanoid glycopyranosides and their activities using cell-free assays and human cells culture in vitro. Toxicology in vitro: the official journal of the European Society for Toxicology in Vitro, 61:104646.
- Hunáková, Ľ., Horváthová, E., Gronesová, P., Bobál, P., Otevrel, J., Brtko, J. (2019) Triorganotin isothiocyanates affect migration and immune check-point receptors in human triple-negative breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231 cells. Anticancer Research, 39:4845-4851.
- Hunáková, Ľ., Horváthová, E., Majerová, K., Bobál, P., Otevrel, J., Brtko, J. (2019) Genotoxic effects of tributyltin and triphenyltin isothiocyanates, cognate RXR ligands: comparison in human breast carcinoma MCF 7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20:1198.
- Milata, V., Svedová, A., Barbieriková, Z., Holubková, E., Čipáková, I., Cholujová, D., Jakubíková, J., Pánik, M., Jantová, S., Brezová, V., Čipák, Ľ. (2019) Synthesis and anticancer activity of novel 9-O-substituted berberine derivatives. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20:2169.
- Zmetáková, I., Kalinková, L., Smolková, B., Horváthová Kajabová, V., Čierna, Z., Danihel, Ľ., Boháč, M., Sedláčková, T., Minárik, G., Karaba, M., Benca, J., Cihová, M., Buociková, V., Miklíková, S., Mego, M., Fridrichová, I. (2019) A disintegrin and metalloprotease 23 hypermethylation predicts decreased disease-free survival in low-risk breast cancer patients. Cancer Science, 110:1695-1704.
- Wachsmannová, L., Števurková, V., Čierniková, S. (2019) Changes in SNAI1 and VIM gene expression in Caco2 cells after co-cultivation with bacteria from colorectal cancer biopsies. Neoplasma, 66:271-275.
- Fridrichová, I., Zmetáková, I. (2019) MicroRNAs contribute to breast cancer invasiveness. Cells, 8:1361.
- Durdík, M., Košík, P., Marková, E., Somsedíková, A., Gajdošechová, B., Nikitina, E., Horváthová, E., Kozics, K., Davis, D., Belyaev, I. (2019) Microwaves from mobile phone induce reactive oxygen species but not DNA damage, preleukemic fusion genes and apoptosis in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. Scientific Reports 9:16182.
- Grman, M., Misak, A., Kurakova, L., Brezova, V., Cacanyiova, S., Berenyiova, A., Balis, P., Tomasova, L., Kharma, A., Álvarez-Domínguez, E., Chovanec, M., Ondrias, K. (2019) Products of sulfide/selenite interaction possess antioxidant properties, scavenge superoxide-derived radicals, react with DNA, modulate blood pressure and tension of isolated thoracic aorta. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2019:9847650.
- Misak, A., Brezova, V., Grman, M., Tomasova, L., Chovanec, M., Ondrias, K. (2020) •BMPO-OOH spin-adduct as a model for study of decomposition of organic hydroperoxides and the effects of sulfide/selenite derivatives. An EPR spin trapping approach. Antioxidants, 9:918.
- Cierna, Z., Miskovska, V., Roska, J., Jurkovicova, D., Borszekova Pulzova, L., Sestakova, Z., Hurbanova, L., Machalekova, K., Chovanec, M., Rejlekova, K., Svetlovska, D., Kalavska, K., Kajo, K., Babal, P., Mardiak, J., Ward, T. A., Mego, M., Chovanec, M. (2020) Increased levels of XPA might be the basis of cisplatin resistance in germ cell tumours. BMC Cancer, 20:17.
- Sestakova, Z., Kalavska, K., Smolkova, B., Miskovska, V., Rejlekova, K., Sycova-Mila, Z., Palacka, P., Obertova, J., Hurbanova, L., Holickova, A., Jurkovicova, D., Roška, J., Goffa, E., Svetlovska, D., Chovanec, M., Mardiak, J., Mego, M., Chovanec, M. (2020) DNA damage measured in blood cells predicts overall and progression-free survival in germ cell tumour patients. Mutation Research, 854-855:503200.
- Borszeková Pulzová, L., Ward, T. A., Chovanec, M. (2020) XPA: DNA repair protein of significant clinical importance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:2182.
- Roška, J., Wachsmannová, L., Hurbanová, L., Šestáková, Z., Mueller, T., Jurkovičová, D., Chovanec, M. (2020) Differential gene expression in cisplatin-resistant and -sensitive testicular germ cell tumour cell lines. Oncotarget, 11:4735-4753.
- Bencová, A., Goffa, E., Morvová, M., Valachovič, M., Griač, P., Tóth Hervay, N., Gbelská, Y. (2020) The absence of PDR16 gene restricts the overexpression of CaSNQ2 gene in the presence of fluconazole in Candida albicans. Mycopathologia, 185:455-465.
- Čierniková, S., Earl, J., Garcia Bermejo, M. L., Števurková, V., Carrato, A., Smolková, B. (2020) Epigenetic landscape in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: on the way to overcoming drug resistance? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:4091.
- Čierniková, S., Novisedlaková, M., Cholujová, D., Števurková, V., Mego, M. (2020) The emerging role of microbiota and microbiome in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Biomedicines, 8:565.
- Holubová, Ľ., Kyzek, S., Ďurovcová, I., Fabová, J., Horváthová, E., Ševčovičová, A., Gálová, E. (2020) Non-thermal plasma – a new green priming agent for plants? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:9466.
- Huraiová, B., Kanovits, J., Bágeľová Poláková, S., Čipák, Ľ., Benkö, Z., Ševčovičová, A., Anrather, D., Ammerer, G., Duncan, C. D. S., Mata, J., Gregáň, J. (2020) Proteomic analysis of meiosis and characterization of novel short open reading frames in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cell Cycle, 19:1777-1785.
- Jurčík, J., Siváková, B., Čipáková, I., Selický, T., Stupeňová, E., Jurčík, M., Osadská, M., Baráth, P., Čipák, Ľ. (2020) Phosphoproteomics meets chemical genetics: approaches for global mapping and deciphering the phosphoproteome. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:7637.
- Kalinková, L., Kajo, K., Karhánek, M., Wachsmannová, L., Suran, P., Zmetáková, I., Fridrichová, I. (2020) Discriminating miRNA profiles between endometrioid well- and poorly-differentiated tumours and endometrioid and serous subtypes of endomatrial cancers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:6071.
- Košík, P., Durdík, M., Jakl, L., Škorvaga, M., Marková, E., Vesela, G., Vokalová, L., Koláriková, L., Horváthová, E., Kozics, K., Belyaev, I. (2020) DNA damage response and preleukemic fusion genes induced by ionizing radiation in umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells. Scientific Reports, 10:13722.
- Mayerová, N., Čipák, Ľ., Gregáň, J. (2020) Cohesin biology: from passive rings to molecular motors. Trends in Genetics, 36:387-389.
- Stebelová, K., Roška, J., Zeman, M. (2020) Impact of dim light at night on urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin concentrations and sleep in healthy humans. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21:7736.
- Rapant, S., Cvečková, V., Hiller, E., Jurkovičová, D., Kožíšek, F., Stehlíková, B. (2020) Proposal of new health risk assessment method for deficient essential elements in drinking water – case study of the Slovak Republic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17:5915.
- Roška, J., Jurkovičová, D. (2020) Understanding the crosstalk of molecular factors and signaling pathways reveals novel biomarkers of cisplatin resistance in testicular germ cell tumors. Neoplasma, 67:1-14.
- Čierniková, S., Drgoňa, Ľ., Kašperová, B., Števurková, V., Ižoldová, N., Mego, M. (2020) Role of the gut microbiome in hematologic cancer patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Onkológia, 15:421-426.
- Kajo, K., Suran, P., Machaleková, K., Kalinková, L., Fridrichová, I. (2020) Targeted diagnosis of endometrial cancer. Onkológia, 15:316-323.
- Urbanová, M., Dubovan, P., Tomáš, M., Cihová, M., Čierniková, S., Smolková, B. (2020) Theoretical overview of epigenetic changes and their possible use in the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Onkológia, 15:324-328.
- Borszéková Pulzová, L., Roška, J., Kalman, M., Kliment, J., Slávik, P., Smolková, B., Goffa, E., Jurkovičová, D., Kulcsár, Ľ., Lešková, K., Bujdák, P., Mego, M., Bhide, M. R., Plank, L., Chovanec, M. (2021) Screening for the key proteins associated with rete testis invasive clinical stage I seminoma via label-free quantitative mass spectrometry. Cancers, 13:5573.
- Kalavska, K., Sestakova, Z, Mlcakova, A., Kozics, K., Gronesova, P., Hurbanova, L., Miskovska, V., Rejlekova, K., Svetlovska, D., Sycova-Mila, Z., Obertova, J., Palacka, P., Mardiak, J., Chovanec, M., Chovanec, M., Mego, M. (2021) Are changes in immunophenotype of leukocyte subpopulations associated with endogenous DNA damage levels in testicular cancer patients? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22:8281.
- Čierniková, S., Kašperová, B., Drgoňa, Ľ., Smolková, B., Števurková, V., Mego, M. (2021) Targeting the gut microbiome: An emerging trend in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Blood Reviews, 48:100790.
- Ďurovcová, I., Goffa, E., Šestáková, Z., Mániková, D., Gaplovská-Kyselá, K., Chovanec, M., Ševčovičová, A. (2021) Acute exposure to bisphenol A causes oxidative stress induction with mitochondrial origin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Journal of Fungi, 7:543.
- Fridrichová, I., Kalinková, L., Karhánek, M., Smolková, B., Machaleková, K., Wachsmannová, L., Nikolaieva, N., Kajo, K. (2021) miR-497-5p decreased expression associated with high-risk endometrial cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22:127.
- Gaburjáková, M., Gaburjáková, J., Krejčiová, E., Kosnáč, D., Kosnáčová, H., Nagy, Š., Polák, Š., Sabo, M., Trnka, M., Kopáni, M. (2021) Blocking effect of ferritin on the ryanodine receptor-isoform 2. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 712:109031.
- Hadžega, D., Minárik, G., Karaba, M., Kálavská, K., Benca, J., Čierniková, S., Sedláčková, T., Nemcová, P., Boháč, M., Pindák, D., Kľučár, Ľ., Mego, M. (2021) Uncovering microbial composition in human breast cancer primary tumour tissue using transcriptomic RNA-seq. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22:9058.
- Kis, P., Horváthová, E., Gálová, E., Antalová, V., Karnišová Potocká, E., Mastihuba, V., Mastihubová, M. (2021) Synthesis of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol glycofuranosides and their biochemical and biological activities in cell-free and cellular assays. Molecules, 26:7607.
- Mikolášková, B., Jurčík, M., Čipáková, I., Selický, T., Jurčík, J., Bágeľová Poláková, S., Stupeňová, E., Dudáš, A., Siváková, B., Bellová, J., Baráth, P., Aronica, L., Gregáň, J., Čipák, Ľ. (2021) Identification of Nrl1 domains responsible for interactions with RNA-processing factors and regulation of Nrl1 function by phosphorylation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22:7011.
- Mišová, I., Piteľová, A., Budiš, J. Gazdarica, J., Sedláčková, T., Jordaková, A., Benkö, Z., Smondrková, M., Mayerová, N., Pichlerová, K., Striešková, L., Prevorovský, M., Gregáň, J., Čipák, Ľ., Szemes, T., Bágeľová Poláková, S. (2021) Repression of a large number of genes requires interplay between homologous recombination and HIRA. Nucleic Acids Research, 49:1914-1934.
- Siváková, B., Jurčík, J., Lukáčová, V., Selický, T., Čipáková, I., Baráth, P., Čipák, Ľ. (2021) Label-free quantitative phosphoproteomics of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe using strong anion exchange- and porous graphitic carbon-based fractionation strategies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22:1747.
- Thurzo, A., Kosnáčová, H., Kurilová, V., Kosmeľ, S., Beňuš, R., Moravanský, N., Kováč, P., Mikuš Kuracinová, K., Palkovič, M., Varga, I. (2021) Use of advanced artificial intelligence in forensic medicine, forensic anthropology and clinical anatomy. Healthcare, 9:1545.
- Vavrinský, E., Stopjaková, V., Kopáni, M., Kosnáčová, H. (2021) The concept of advanced multi-sensor monitoring of human stress. Sensors, 21:3499.
- Konečný, M., Kosová, K., Tilandyová, P., Wachsmannová, L., Baldovič, M., Krajčovič, J., Patlevičová, A., Markus, J., Čierniková, S. (2021) The results of multigene panel sequencing in Slovak HBOC families. Neoplasma, 68:652-664.
- Silaghi, C., Bordea, M., Klein, G., Tritean, C., Sur, G., Aldea, C., Samasca, G., Timis, T.-L., Florian, I.-A., Makovický, P., Makovický, P., Rimárová, K. (2021) COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are safe and effective. International Journal of Celiac Disease, 9:103-106.
- Čierniková, S., Chovanec, M., Števurková, V., Mego, M. (2021) Gut microbiome and late toxicity of anticancer therapy. Onkológia, 16:361-368.
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