Department of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy
Research Topic
The research at the department is focused on studying the possibilities of regeneration of damaged tissues of the central and peripheral nervous system. We apply new findings about the process of development, regeneration and plasticity of nerve tissues in experimental therapies in order to stimulate the restoration of functions of the nervous system injured by trauma or neurodegenerative diseases. We study and use adult stem cells obtained from adult tissues, umbilical cords and umbilical cord blood, but also from neural progenitor cells isolated from the brain and spinal cord (rat, mouse) within the existing legislative rules of stem cell research in Slovakia. We investigate the regularities of postnatal neurogenesis with a focus on understanding the molecular mechanisms governing the development and integration of newly formed neurons, including their differentiation, growth, migration, transport and the formation of new connections. We want to use these findings in the experimental therapies of major neurodegenerative diseases.
Research Team

ORCID: 0000-0001-8319-8953
RNDr. Blaško Juraj, PhD.
RNDr. Fabiánová Kamila, PhD.
RNDr. Martončíková Marcela, PhD.
PharmDr. Michalová Zuzana, PhD.
MVDr. Raček Adam, PhD.
RNDr. Račeková Enikő, PhD.
MVDr. Székiová Eva, PhD.
RNDr. Závodská Monika, PhD.
RNDr. Dzurjašková Zuzana
Mgr. Popovičová Alexandra
Beňová Gabriela
Kalinčáková Jolana
Neurotransmitter-mediated regulation of postnatalneurogenesis in the rat olfactory system under physiological and pathological conditions
Biomedical Research Center SAS
1. 7. 2020 – 30. 6. 2024
Principal investigator: RNDr. Enikő Račeková, PhD.
Investigation of the regulatory effect of serotinin on neuroblast migration in the neurogenic region of the adult brain
Biomedical Research Center SAS
1. 1. 2022 – 31. 12. 2024
Principal investigator: RNDr. Martončíková Marcela, PhD.
Analysis of peripheral nerve regeneration after transection on the model of rat caudal nerve using tubulization and mesenchymal stem cells
Biomedical Research Center SAS
1. 1. 2021 – 31. 12. 2023
Principal investigator: RNDr. Blaško Juraj, PhD.
Tubular conduits for axonal regeneration after peripheral nerve injury
Biomedical Research Center SAS
1. 1. 2020 – 31. 12. 2022
Principal investigator: MVDr. Vanický Ivo, CSc.
Bravo-Hernandez M, Tadokoro T, Navarro MR, Platoshyn O, Kobayashi Y, Marsala S, Miyanohara A, Juhas S, Juhasova J, Skalnikova H, Tomori Z, Vanicky I, Studenovska H, Proks V, Chen P, Govea-Perez N, Ditsworth D, Ciacci JD, Gao S, Zhu W, Ahrens ET, Driscoll SP, Glenn TD, McAlonis-Downes M, Da Cruz S, Pfaff SL, Kaspar BK, Cleveland DW, Marsala M. Spinal subpial delivery of AAV9 enables widespread gene silencing and blocks motoneuron degeneration in ALS. Nat Med. 2020 Jan;26(1):118-130.
Dzurjašková Z, Blaško J, Tomori Z, Vanický I. A method to prepare large resin sections for counting myelinated axons in rodent CNS and PNS structures. Neurosci Lett. 2021 Apr 17;750:135767.
Lukáčová N, Hricová L, Kisucká A, Papcunová Š, Bimbová K, Bačová M, Pavel J, Marsala M, Vanický I, Dzurjašková Z, Matéffy S, Lukáčová V, Stropkovská A, Gálik J. Is Innervation of the Neuromuscular Junction at the Diaphragm Modulated by sGC/cGMP Signaling? Front Physiol. 2020 Jun 23;11:700.
Tomko P, Slovinská L, Vanický I. In vitro predegeneration of peripheral nerve; the effect of predegeneration period on rat Schwann cell cultures. Exp Ther Med. 2019 Jan;17(1):596-602.
Tadokoro T, Bravo-Hernandez M, Agashkov K, Kobayashi Y, Platoshyn O, Navarro M, Marsala S, Miyanohara A, Yoshizumi T, Shigyo M, Krotov V, Juhas S, Juhasova J, Nguyen D, Kupcova Skalnikova H, Motlik J, Studenovska H, Proks V, Reddy R, Driscoll SP, Glenn TD, Kemthong T, Malaivijitnond S, Tomori Z, Vanicky I, Kakinohana M, Pfaff SL, Ciacci J, Belan P, Marsala M. Precision spinal gene delivery-induced functional switch in nociceptive neurons reverses neuropathic pain. Mol Ther. 2022 May 5:S1525-0016(22)00294-5.
Vanický I, Blaško J, Končeková J, Dzurjašková Z, Michalová Z, Székiová E. Formaldehyde-hardened albumin as a non-penetrating embedding matrix for frozen and vibratome sectioning. Acta Histochem. 2022 Jan;124(1):151838.
Martončíková M, Alexovič Matiašová A, Ševc J, Račeková E. Relationship between Blood Vessels and Migration of Neuroblasts in the Olfactory Neurogenic Region of the Rodent Brain. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Oct 25;22(21):11506.
Pipová Kokošová N, Kisková T, Vilhanová K, Štafuriková A, Jendželovský R, Račeková E, Šmajda B. Melatonin mitigates hippocampal and cognitive impairments caused by prenatal irradiation. Eur J Neurosci. 2020 Sep;52(6):3575-3594.
Almášiová V, Holovská K, Andrašková S, Cigánková V, Ševčíková Z, Raček A, Andrejčáková Z, Beňová K, Tóth Š, Tvrdá E, Molnár J, Račeková E. Potential influence of prenatal 2.45 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on Wistar albino rat testis. Histol Histopathol. 2021 Jun;36(6):685-696.
Angelidis A, Račeková E, Arnoul P, Závodská M, Raček A, Martončíková M. Disrupted migration and proliferation of neuroblasts after postnatal administration of angiogenesis inhibitor. Brain Res. 2018 Nov 1;1698:121-129.
Závodská M, Fabianová K, Martončíková M, Raček A, Račeková E. Low Fos expression in newly generated neurons of the main and accessory olfactory bulb following single maternal separation. Stress. 2020 Nov;23(6):678-687.
Raček A, Beňová K, Arnoul P, Závodská M, Angelidis A, Cigánková V, Šimaiová V, Račeková E. Age-dependent effect of long-term microwave radiation on postnatal neurogenesis in rats: morphological and behavioral study. Physiol Res. 2018 Jul 17;67(3):495-503.
Šimaiová V, Almášiová V, Holovská K, Kisková T, Horváthová F, Ševčíková Z, Tóth Š, Raček A, Račeková E, Beňová K, Dvořák P, Cigánková V. The effect of 2.45 GHz non-ionizing radiation on the structure and ultrastructure of the testis in juvenile rats. Histol Histopathol. 2019 Apr;34(4):391-403.
Fabianová K, Závodská M, Raček A, Angelidis A, Martončíková M, Račeková E. Analysis of Fos expression in the rat olfactory neurogenic region following single exposure to maternal separation during different neonatal stages. Gen Physiol Biophys. 2018 May;37(3):275-283.
Zavodska M, Galik J, Marsala M, Papcunova S, Pavel J, Racekova E, Martoncikova M, Sulla I, Gajdos M, Lukac I, Kafka J, Ledecky V, Sulla I Jr, Reichel P, Trbolova A, Capik I, Bimbova K, Bacova M, Stropkovska A, Kisucka A, Miklisova D, Lukacova N. Hypothermic treatment after computer-controlled compression in minipig: A preliminary report on the effect of epidural vs. direct spinal cord cooling. Exp Ther Med. 2018 Dec;16(6):4927-4942.
Andrašková S, Holovská K, Ševčíková Z, Andrejčáková Z, Tóth Š, Martončíková M, Račeková E, Almášiová V. The potential adverse effect of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the testes of prenatally exposed peripubertal male rats. Histol Histopathol. 2022 Mar;37(3):287-299.
Fabianová K, Babeľová J, Fabian D, Popovičová A, Martončíková M, Raček A, Račeková E. Maternal High-Energy Diet during Pregnancy and Lactation Impairs Neurogenesis and Alters the Behavior of Adult Offspring in a Phenotype-Dependent Manner. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 May 16;23(10):5564.
Devaux S, Cizkova D, Mallah K, Karnoub MA, Laouby Z, Kobeissy F, Blasko J, Nataf S, Pays L, Mériaux C, Fournier I, Salzet M. RhoA Inhibitor Treatment At Acute Phase of Spinal Cord Injury May Induce Neurite Outgrowth and Synaptogenesis. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2017 Aug;16(8):1394-1415.
Szekiova E, Slovinska L, Blasko J, Plsikova J, Cizkova D. The neuroprotective effect of rat adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cell-conditioned medium on cortical neurons using an in vitro model of SCI inflammation. Neurol Res. 2018 Apr;40(4):258-267.