Also in 2022, on March 4 we are reminding World Obesity Day. Obesity is a global problem and affects all of us. 800 million of us live with this disease and millions more are at risk. We know that the roots of obesity go deep and the only way we can make progress is to work together. The Slovak Obesity Association, in cooperation with other partners on the occasion of World Obesity Day, is preparing the 7th Slovak Obesity Day, in which it realizes various activities for the professional and lay public in order to draw attention to the growing obesity epidemic and the need to address it…
This year, a campaign called “Movement against Obesity” will take place in Slovakia this year as well, which will take place during the first week of March, on March 1-6, 2022, and will be opened by doc. MUDr. Ľubomíra Fábryová, PhD., MPH (President of the Slovak Obesity Association and Chairwoman of the Obesity Section of the Slovak Diabetological Society).

Several activities are prepared, including the call “Stir yourself, stir your loved ones”, exercises for obese patients as part of the World Obesity Day on BMC SAS Facebook, as well as lectures on various topics.
One of the lectures will take place on March 8, 2022. Lecture by Mgr. Jozef Ukropec, DrSc. from the Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Secretary of the SOA entitled “Exercises in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases associated with obesity: The key is communication” will take place within the Career Days of Pharmacists.
7. Slovak Obesity Day: In the treatment of obesity, everyone is relevant (press release by The Slovak Obesity Association, in Slovak language)
Information and source of the introductory photo: Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University in Bratislava, World Obesity Day
Photo in the text: BMC SAS